Sunday, 4 November 2007


Shit Dance - Except from Rolys dance film, by Roly Carline

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Flash Mob manifesto

I found this interesting flashmob manifesto. It's translated English about half way down.

Flash mob?

This article in Vulture Droppings is an interview with Bill Wasik who lays claim to the first ever Flash mob which took place in NY 2003. In it he describes his reasons for creating a flash mob event as a comment hipsters always looking to be part of next big thing.

Vulture Dropping Interview

And some more

A giant rave in Liverpool Street organised

And a pillow fight in Oxford:

Zombie Walk

The zombie walk is an international event with walks all over the world. The idea is you get you and a large bunch of zombies to meet and walk through a city.
This site is a good start to se where and how they happen. - Zombie Walks

Some interesting Flash Mob sites: - out of knowhere

These guys definitively wouldn't call them selves Flash Mob sites [read this article] but are sites where spontaneous events are organised.

Laughing squid

Flash mobbing is
'A flash mob is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual action for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse.'

Post a Secret Blog

PostSecret blog has been rated the 15th most popular in the world by technorati. People submit secrets about themselves on a post card anonymously. Frank Warren the creator has receives around 200 cards per day. He then chooses 20 or so a week to post on the blog. He has made books, exhibitions and tours using the cards he is sent.

Gillian Wearing

Dancing in Peckham
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Pie fight Flash Mob

Steve Rhodes' photostream
Original post advertising fight

Gillian Wearing

Edelstein: The sociality of London seems quite strong in works like Dancing in Peckham (1994) . . .

Wearing: Well my first idea was to dance in Covent Garden, but I chose Peckham because it reminds me a bit more of Birmingham and it's quite local to where I live, but it also reminds me of those other aspects where you're not expecting something extraordinary to happen unless you're seeing someone who's mad, and how people deal with that. When it's a very mundane day with people doing very mundane activities, how do you actually cope with that situation? A lot of people just look out of the corner of their eyes — that's true or British people in general, I think.

Edelstein: It's also this idea of embarrassment.

Wearing: I first wanted to do the piece because I saw a woman in the Royal Festival Hall and she was dancing to a jazz band and I was more fascinated by her than the jazz band! She was going wild and wasn't with anyone. She was dancing by the tables rather than where the dance floor was. It was hysterical and kind of weird, and she obviously might have known that, and I was thinking that was quite an enviable position to be in, to lose your inhibitions and not worry about what other people think. So it's about the idea of losing your inhibitions — or trying to, for me it's quite hard.

Journal of Contemporary Art online - Interviews

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Flash mobbing with ballons in the Moscow underground

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Rave in the Bullring

Rave in the Bullring

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FLASH MOBBING! - Brum pillow fight

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