Sunday 4 November 2007


Shit Dance - Except from Rolys dance film, by Roly Carline

Blogged with Flock

Flash Mob manifesto

I found this interesting flashmob manifesto. It's translated English about half way down.

Flash mob?

This article in Vulture Droppings is an interview with Bill Wasik who lays claim to the first ever Flash mob which took place in NY 2003. In it he describes his reasons for creating a flash mob event as a comment hipsters always looking to be part of next big thing.

Vulture Dropping Interview

And some more

A giant rave in Liverpool Street organised

And a pillow fight in Oxford:

Zombie Walk

The zombie walk is an international event with walks all over the world. The idea is you get you and a large bunch of zombies to meet and walk through a city.
This site is a good start to se where and how they happen. - Zombie Walks

Some interesting Flash Mob sites: - out of knowhere

These guys definitively wouldn't call them selves Flash Mob sites [read this article] but are sites where spontaneous events are organised.

Laughing squid